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Help me bring our community values to Montpelier as the next State Representative from Saint Albans Town.
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Making Vermont more affordable and make a future where our children can prosper
For too long Vermonters have been struggling just to get by. I will support policies in Montpelier that will reduce our cost of living and lead to more prosperity for our St. Albans community. I want to limit taxation and lower the cost of living to make Vermont more affordable for working families. As the father of two young school aged children, their future means everything to me. We must work to make a St. Albans that will work for everyone to be able to live, work and raise a family here.
Trusted leadership during Covid-19 and educational access for everyone
Vermont has a long way to go to recover from the impact of Covid-19 and we need experienced leaders to lead us. Since the Covid shutdown I have helped hundreds of people, mostly in St. Albans, with their unemployment claims. Once we're back on track we must ensure we have enough qualified workers to fill jobs. I will continue to focus on creating more opportunities in St. Albans for workers to gain on and off the job training, provide more value to the workforce, and increase their employment options. I want to ensure that education and college educations is affordable and easily accessible for Vermonters.
Continue to combat our communities’ opiate epidemic
An issue that our state has been grappling with for over a decade. We have made some great progress in access to treatment, but now is not the time to let off the gas. We have more tools than ever to prevent and treat addiction. We can turn the corner on this epidemic if we continue forward with focus.
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About Casey
Representative Casey J. Toof was born and raised in St. Albans City and has spent his entire life in the area. He attended St. Albans City Elementary School, Bellows Free Academy, and Castleton University in Castleton, VT where he earned a bachelor's degree in History and Secondary Education.
Casey owns his own marketing consulting firm, Toof Consulting, LLC. Toof Consulting, LLC specializes in political campaigns, social media and email marketing, working with small businesses and non-profits in Vermont.
Casey was first elected to the Vermont House of Representatives in 2018. He currently serves on the House Committee on Education where he sits as the Ranking Member. Casey was also elected as the Assistant Minority Leader by his caucus in 2022. Representative Toof is also the co-chair of the Vermont Future Caucus, a group of young legislators under 45 who focus on working on issues facing younger Vermonters in a bipartisan way across the aisle.
In 2023 Casey won two national awards for his leadership. ALEC awarded Casey as one of the 50 Best Legislators Under 50 and in December of 2023 Casey won the Charrisse Eatman Collective Impact Award with Future Caucus.
Casey served as a member of the St. Albans Town Planning Commission serving as Chair, and is currently on the Board of Directors for Northwest Counseling and Support Services.
Casey enjoys coaching youth sports and currently coaches his children. Casey has also coached many other youth programs around Franklin County including baseball, basketball and soccer at St. Albans City School and BFA. Casey is also a member of the Sons of the American Legion.
Casey resides on Clyde Allen Drive in St. Albans Town with his two children Callan (9) and Lukas (7), and his wife, Haley. He can be reached via email at [email protected] or by phone at (802) 309-3522.
Legislative Minutes are provided by Rep. Toof weekly on his Facebook page: HERE