
I was asked by the St. Albans Messenger a series of questions that will continue each week until the election on November 6th. This is the tenth question: Affordability has become a buzz word in Vermont politics, with a suggestion that either a high cost of living, high taxes or both make Vermont unaffordable, driving out young families and those on fixed incomes. Do you think this is an accurate view? Would you define affordability differently?


Affordability isn’t just a buzz word, it’s the crux of the crisis facing our state today. I’ve been to over 3000 doors and the overwhelming majority have told me that not only is Vermont unaffordable, but a lot of people are looking to leave whether it is next year, 5 years, or 10 years from now. This is very concerning to me and anyone who says affordability is just a buzz word is out of touch with the reality that Vermont is too expensive.

The legislature over the past eight years under a single party rule have continued to raise our property taxes, the gas tax, and have continued to grow government spending every year. It’s time for our representation in Montpelier to start listening to Vermonters. This state is facing an affordability crisis and we need leaders who listen and who will work to get it under control.   

I was asked by the St. Albans Messenger a series of questions that will continue each week until the election on November 6th. This is the tenth question: Affordability has become a buzz word in Vermont politics, with a suggestion that either a high cost of living, high taxes or both make Vermont unaffordable, driving out young families and those on fixed incomes. Do you think this is an accurate view? Would you define affordability differently?


Affordability isn’t just a buzz word, it’s the crux of the crisis facing our state today. I’ve been to over 3000 doors and the overwhelming majority have told me that not only is Vermont unaffordable, but a lot of people are looking to leave whether it is next year, 5 years, or 10 years from now. This is very concerning to me and anyone who says affordability is just a buzz word is out of touch with the reality that Vermont is too expensive.

The legislature over the past eight years under a single party rule have continued to raise our property taxes, the gas tax, and have continued to grow government spending every year. It’s time for our representation in Montpelier to start listening to Vermonters. This state is facing an affordability crisis and we need leaders who listen and who will work to get it under control.  

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