In less than 30 days the people of St. Albans will be able to request an absentee ballot or walk into City Hall or Town Hall to cast their votes for their next State Representative. This election is the first time in a generation that the people of this district have two open seats and a clean slate to choose the direction they want to see State Government go. And, the difference could not be more clear.
As I go door to door listening to the concerns of my friends and neighbors, I hear one common theme: Vermont has an affordability crisis. Property taxes are high and climbing higher. If it isn’t the State Government raising taxes – it’s our local one. This past year we witnessed the legislature pick a fight with the Governor about the need to raise taxes in a year when we had revenue surpluses, and the legislature won – but you and I lost. We watched a legislature drag its heels in the sand when there were many proposals on the table to make Vermont more affordable. We need leaders who will fight for the people of St. Albans – not their party or their party’s leadership.
I know the people of St. Albans because this community built me. I grew up on Savage Street – went to City School and BFA before earning a degree from Castleton. It’s where my wife and I have put down roots to raise our family. We want them to be able to thrive and grow here in St. Albans as we did. I am running for State Representative because I know this community and its potential and with the right leaders in the right places, we can achieve anything.
Casey Toof
Candidate for Franklin 3-1 St. Albans
In less than 30 days the people of St. Albans will be able to request an absentee ballot or walk into City Hall or Town Hall to cast their votes for their next State Representative. This election is the first time in a generation that the people of this district have two open seats and a clean slate to choose the direction they want to see State Government go. And, the difference could not be more clear.
As I go door to door listening to the concerns of my friends and neighbors, I hear one common theme: Vermont has an affordability crisis. Property taxes are high and climbing higher. If it isn’t the State Government raising taxes – it’s our local one. This past year we witnessed the legislature pick a fight with the Governor about the need to raise taxes in a year when we had revenue surpluses, and the legislature won – but you and I lost. We watched a legislature drag its heels in the sand when there were many proposals on the table to make Vermont more affordable. We need leaders who will fight for the people of St. Albans – not their party or their party’s leadership.
I know the people of St. Albans because this community built me. I grew up on Savage Street – went to City School and BFA before earning a degree from Castleton. It’s where my wife and I have put down roots to raise our family. We want them to be able to thrive and grow here in St. Albans as we did. I am running for State Representative because I know this community and its potential and with the right leaders in the right places, we can achieve anything.
Casey Toof
Candidate for Franklin 3-1 St. Albans
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